Currently, there are 7 books planned in the ‘Songbird‘ saga.
This may change over time (I’ve toyed with an 8th!), but for now, that’s where it stands. It’s all plotted out in a huge spreadsheet. All the major arcs, all the character journeys, all the twists and turns. In fact, I’ve already written key points along the journey… including the ending.
‘Songbird’ is a multi-character saga, and follows the stories of a multitude of characters. You can meet them in the Character section on this website. I promise… **No Spoilers** Or at least nothing you’ll not learn within the first chapters of the book. Their arcs will be kept under wraps for now.
There are placeholders on this site for each book. The plan will be to update them as I get more info about them. At the moment, all you’ll find are their provisional titles. If I get to see them published, then I’ll put up release dates. And once they are published, I’ll put synopses up there. But for now… **No Spoilers**
You can access the Books from the links below, or click on the drop down in the menu at the top of the page.
Book 4 – ‘Dragon Song‘ – coming probably 2025
Book 5 – ‘The TechMasters‘ – might have to wait a while
Book 6 – ‘The River‘ – I promise I WILL get to this one
Book 7 – ‘The Broken Circle‘ – At the rate I write, probably around 2028? Maybe